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Rajasthan Public Service Commission [ RPSC ] is responsible to conduct written exam and recruit candidates for various department in Government of Rajasthan. RPSC was starts on 16/08/1948. It have one chairman and five other members which directly appointed by the president of India. Head office of this organization is located at Ajmer, Rajastha.

We are happy to share RPSC recruitment examination 2012 for our old and new readers. In this new recruitment project RPSC is looking for highly qualified persons who are Indian Citizens and have strong commitment in the progress of the organisation for appointment on regular basis.

For this RPSC recruitment project only on line registration starts at and no other alternative method is available and application. Online registration starts and last date to apply online is 15th February 2012.

RPSC will conduct written examination for candidates who found eligible by them. For this, RPSC has published an advertisement no. 12/Rest/ 2011-12 in its official website.

Details of the vacancies are as follows
  1. Public Relation Officer : Six
  2. Assistant Public Relation Office: Thirty four
  3. Research Officer: One
  4. Divisional Superintendent: One
  5. Statistical Officers: Twenty five
For more information about this RPSC notification 2012 candidates are advised to visit following link:
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Western Coalfields Limited subsidiaries of Coal India Limited producing coal in India. It is commonly known as WCL. It was started in 1975 under the Ministry of Coal. Its registered / head office is located at Nagpur. In this page we will talk about latest WCL Recruitment notification for various positions, eligibility criteria, application form, age limit and relaxation.
This time WCL comes with staff nurse trainee recruitment project. Only Indian citizens for are qualified and intelligent can apply for staff nurse trainee post. Closing date for WCL Feb recruitment notification is 09th March, 2012.
Candidates need to download prescribed application format website and send after fulfilling correctly along with other photocopies of documents to the address of The General Manager ( P&IR ), WCL, Coal Estate, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001.

WCL will conduct written exam for Staff Nurse Trainee post and candidates who will passed in this exam will be call for personal interview. After interview WCL will make a list of candidates who is selected according to written test marks and interview response.

Details of Vacancies
Name of the post: Staff Nurse
Total Number of vacant seats: Fifty One
OBC : Thirteen
SC: Seven
ST: Three
General / Unreserved: Twenty eight
Eligibility: Only those candidates are eligible for above said post whose age is maximum thirty year and minimum eighteen years and successfully passed in 12th with first class (A Grade) nursing diploma or certificate with at least 3 years of course is the minimum qualification required for the post of Staff Nurse trainees.

For WCL Recruitment 2012 detailed information like how to apply, advertisement, prescribed application form, terms and conditions please visit following link only:

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, invites applications for the post of Accounts Officer/ Jr. Accounts Officer

Post Code
Name of the Post
No. of Vacancies
Scale of Pay
01 Accounts Officer Category-I in A.P. Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service. 10 Rs. 16150- 42490
02 Junior Accounts Officer Category-II in A.P. Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service. 46 Rs. 14860- 39540
03 Senior Accountants Category-III in A.P.Municipal Accounts Subordinate Service. 103 Rs. 10900- 31550
Qualification : Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of a University in Indian established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification.

Age as on 01/07/2012 : 18-36 yrs
Fee : (Remittance Of Fee) Each Applicant Must Pay Rs. 100/- Towards Application Processing Fee And Examination Fee RS.80/- (If Candidates Are Not Exempted From Payment Of Fee). Payment Of Rs. 100/- Towards Application Processing Fee Is compulsory For All Applicants. Mode of Payment of Fee: I Step:- The Candidate has to logon to the website and enter his/her Basic Personal Details like Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, and Community. II Step:- Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get (downloadable)- Challan Form to pay the Fee at AP Online centers /State Bank of India. III Step:- The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the A.P. Online centers / State Bank of India and obtain Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance. IV Step:- On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal Number to get the format of Application. The applicant has to invariably fill all the columns in the Application and should submit ON-Line. Even after making payment of fee, candidate fails to submit the bio-data particulars, such applications shall be rejected without giving any notice. V Step:- If any candidate fails to enter “Community” for any reason, they will be treated as an OC without giving any notice.
Procedure of Selection : The selection of candidates for appointment to the posts will be made by written examination (objective type) for eligible candidates.
Centres for the Written Examination : The written examination will be held at the following five centres: 1- Hyderabad 2- Visakhapatnam 3- Vijayawada
How to apply
Candidate Apply Online from 07/06/2012 to 07/07/2012 (Note: 05/07/2012 is the last date for payment of fee).
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Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission HPPSC recruitment notification for 2012. Screening test & Interview will be conducted as a part of the selection process. HPPSC recruits staff almost every year, current vacancies are for various posts. All eligible candidates need to apply for this post before 05/03/2012. All details about the diffrent posts for Public Service Commission and how to apply for them are given below.
HPPSC Recruitment 2012
Total no of Posts: 143 Posts
Age: Candidates age limit for all posts is 45 years and below as on 01/01/2012.
Qualifications: Candidates are requested to see the advertisement for more details of educational qualification.
Application Fee:
(i). Online Mode: Candidates applying online mode are required to pay a fee of RS-250/- for General/General Physical Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/ and WEF of H.P. & Rs-63/- for SC/ST/OBC of H.P. candidates by cash at any branch of Punjab National Bank through Challan download from the HPPSC website.
(ii). Offline Mode: Candidates applying offline mode may obtain the OMR Application forms by paying Rs-300/- for General/General Physical Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/Visually Impaired & W.F.F. of H.P and Rs-115/- for SC/ST/OBC of H.P. Candidates & Rs-50/- for Ex-Servicemen/Visually Impaired from the reception of H.P. Public Service Commission Nigam Vihar Shimla – 171002.Hence candidates need not deposit any examination fee separately.
Selection Process: Selection shall be made on Screening Test, Interview.
How to Apply: The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode of Offline application mode on or before 05/03/2012.
Instructions for Online Applying:
1. The suitable candidates can apply through online application mode from the website http//
2. At the time of online apply candidates read instructions carefully and fill all the details correctly at the appropriate places.
3. Before online apply candidates have to pay application fee and enter details in application form and upload their photograph and signature.
Instructions for Offline Applying:
1. Candidates can get application form by paying fee by hand or post at reception counter of H.P. Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002
2. Fill up OMR application form by referring instructions given on website
3. Candidates should write the name of the Examination and Post name on the top of the Application form.
4. All filled applications have to reach the Controller of Examinations, Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission, Nigam Vihar, Shimla- 171002 by Post/Speed Post, Courier or By hand on or before 05/03/2012.
Last date for applying: 05/03/2012.
Please Click here to to view Notification.
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Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission UPPSC vacancy notification for 2012. Written test and Interview will be conducted as a part of the selection process. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission recruits staff almost every year, current vacancies are for Civil Judge Posts. Complete UPPSC Vacancy 2012 details on how to apply, job notification, application form download, Last date to apply, age limit, qualifications and number of job vacancies are given below:
UPPSC Recruitment 2012
Total no of Posts: 76 Posts
Name of the Posts: Civil Judges (Junior Division): 76 Posts
Age: Candidates must have not less than 22 years and not more than 35 years as on 01/07/2013.
Qualifications: Degree in Law of a university established by Law in U.P or any other university of India.
Application Fee: Candidates may obtain OMR application form by paying Rs-155 (Exam Fee 100+ Postal Expenses 30 + Application form 25) for General, OBC candidates of UP and Rs-95/- (Exam Fee 40 + Postal Exp. 30 + Application Form 25) for SC/ST candidates of UP from the post offices listed in Advertisement. The Candidates are not required to submit any Bank Draft or Treasury Challan etc.
Selection Process: Selection shall be made on Written Examination and Interview.
How to Apply: The eligible candidates may purchase the OMR application form on payment from the post offices given in the advertisement. The completely filled application should be sent in a closed envelope super scribed with examination name Secretary, Advt. No. A-2/E-1/2012, Public Service Commission, U.P. Allahabad-211018 on or before 01/03/2012 till 05.00 PM by Registered post or by hand. The candidates must keep a photostat copy of their OMR application with them.
Important Dates:
Last Date for Applying: 01/03/2012
Written Exam Date: 13/05/2012
Please Click here to View the Job Notice.
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Karnataka Bank recruitment notification for February 2011. Written Test and Interveiws will be conducted as a part of the selection process. Karnataka Bank Ltd recruits almost every year, current vacancies are for Specialised Officers posts for Bank Jobs All eligible candidates need to apply for this job before 20/02/2012. All details about the different posts and how to apply for them are given below.
Karnataka Bank Recruitment 2012
Total no of posts: 10 Posts
Name of the Post:
1. Charted Accountant Scale (III) – 5
2. Dealer in Treasury operations Scale IV – 1
3. Assistant Company Secretary Scale III – 1
4. Chief Security Officer ScaleIV – 1
5. Technical officers – Engineering Scale III- 2

Age limit: Candidates are requested to see the advertisement for more details mentioned in the link given below.
Education Qualification: Candidates are requested to see the advertisement for more details mentioned in the link given below.
Selection Process: Selection is based on personal interview.
How to apply: The eligible candidates may apply in neatly typed or written on A4 size paper in the given proforma should be sent in an closed envelope super-scribed with application for the post of along with the Bio data/ CV to the Deputy general Manager (HR & IR ), Karnataka Bank Limited, Head Office, Mahaveera circle, Kankandy, Mangalore- 575002 on or before 20/02/2012.
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 20-02-2012.
For more details about the educational qualification, experience, age limit, instructions application form, scheme of examination, etc in the advt link given below.
Click here for Karnataka Bank Advt Details
Click here for Application Form
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Bihar Kshetriya Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer Junior Management (Scale I)

Post Code Post Name Qualification No. of Post
3 Officer Junior Management (Scale – I
1. Bachelor Degree of a recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent. Preference will be given to the candidates having degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Science, Agriculture Engineering, Pisciculture, Agriculture Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, Law, Economics and Accountancy. 2. Proficiency in Hindi Language. 3. Computer Knowledge or awareness will be an added qualification.
39 (SC-5, ST- 2, OBC- 10, Gen- 22)
Age (As on 01.01.2012) : Above 18 years – Below 28 years
Application Fee : SC / ST / PWD - Rs. 100 /- and OBC / GEN Rs.500/- Payment of Fee: Candidates should download UCO Bank-Challan Form-03 After filling up the required information on the Challan Form, they should make payment of the fee applicable to them in any branch of UCO Bank in India for credit of account Account No. 04280210000410 Name of Account : BKG Bank Recruitment Project-III.
Selection Procedure : The selection will be made on the basis of performance in written test and interview.
Probation : 02 years (shall be extendable for 1 year)
Test Date and Centres of Examination: The written test is tentatively fixed on 15-04-2012
Name of Centres and Centre Codes:
Sl. No. Name of Centre Centre Code
1. Patna 11
2. Bhagalpur 12
3. Munger 13

How to apply

All eligible candidates should apply online through the link in the prescribed format from 13-02-2012. Last Date of On Line Application is 12-03-2012.
Click Here For Details

Commissioner And Director School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Notification For Recruitment of Post Graduate And Trained Graduate Teachers -2012 For Model Schools

Post Name Qualification Scale of Pay
PGT Academic Qualifications : i). Two year Integrated Post Graduate Course from Regional Institute of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject; or Master’s Degree from UGC recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects: a. PGT (English)-English b. PGT (Telugu)- Telugu. c. PGT (Maths)-Mathematics /Applied Mathematics d. PGT (Physics)-Physics/ Electronics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics e. PGT (Chemistry) – Chemistry with specialization in Inorganic/ Organic/Physical Chemistry f. PGT (Botany) - Botany/Life Sciences/ Bio Sciences/Genetics/ Micro Biology/ Bio-Technology/ Molecular Bio/Plant Physiology provided they have studied Botany and Zoology at Graduation level. g. PGT (Zoology)- Zoology Life Sciences/ Bio Sciences/ Genetics/ Micro-Biology/ Bio-Technology/ Molecular Bio/Plant Physiology provided they have studied Botany at Graduation level. h. PGT (History)-History i. PGT (Geography) – Geography j. PGT (Commerce) – Commerce with Accountancy/Cost Accounting/Financial Accountancy as a major subject of study. Holders of M.Com in Applied/Business Economics are not eligible. k. PGT (Economics) – Economics/ Applied Economics/Business Economics. l. PGT(Civics)- Political Science ii). B.Ed or equivalent degree with methodology in the concerned subject from UGC recognized University. iii). Must have studied in English Medium at any two levels of School/Junior College / Degree College/ Post Graduation except for the post of PGT (Telugu). B. Desirable: Knowledge of computer applications NOTE: In case of PGT (Commerce) if the candidates with B.Ed are not available M.Com candidates can be recruited. The incumbent will have to acquire B.Ed or equivalent degree from recognized University within a period of 2 years with his /her own cost. Rs.16150- 42590/-
TGT Academic Qualifications : i). Four year Integrated degree course from Regional Institute of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate ; or Second Class Bachelor’s Degree from UGC recognized University with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject(s) and in aggregate including electives and Languages in the combination of subjects as under : a. For TGT (Telugu) – Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Telugu as the main subject or one of the three equal optional subjects or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Telugu (B.O.L) or its equivalent or a Post Graduate Degree in Telugu and B.Ed with Telugu as methodology Subject or Telugu Pandit Training or its equivalent. b. TGT (Hindi)- Must possess Bachelor’s degree with Hindi as one of the full elective subject or Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language in Hindi (B.O.L) or Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha or Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad or any other equivalent recognized qualification in Hindi (BA degree Standard) or Post Graduate Degree in Hindi and along with any one of the following training qualifications. 1. B.Ed with Hindi as methodology 2. B.Ed (Hindi Medium), 3. Pracharak Degree and Bachelor of Education, 4. Prachrak (including Praveena) Diploma, 5. Pracharak Diploma 6. Sikshana Kala Praveena-Diploma 7.Hindi Shikshak (including Hindi Vidwan Diploma) 8. Hindi Pandits Training Certificate. 9. Hindi Shikshan Parangat Hindi Shikshan Nishnat. c. For TGT(English) – A Bachelors Degree with English as the main subject or one of the optional subjects or a Post Graduate Degree in English and a B. Ed Degree with English as methodology subject. The candidates who have studied SSC, Intermediate and Graduation through English Medium only are eligible. d. For TGT(Maths) – Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Statistics as the main subject OR one of the three equal optional subjects and a B.Ed degree with Mathematics as a methodology subject provided he has studied Mathematics at Intermediate level. e. For TGT(Science)- Must possess a Bachelors Degree with at least two of the following subjects as optional subjects: Physics / Applied Physics / Engineering Physics & Instrumentation and Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry / BioChemistry / Geology or either Physics / its allied subjects or Chemistry / its allied subjects as one of the main subject and other as subsidiary / ancillary subject and B.Ed. degree with Physical Science / Physics / Chemistry / Science as a methodology subject, provided he has studied Physics and Chemistry at Intermediate level. or Must possess a Bachelors Degree with Botany and Zoology as optional subjects or one of the two as main and the other as subsidiary subject or any two of other allied subjects viz. Public Health / Human Genetics / Genetics / Bio-chemistry / Environment Sciences / Micro-biology / Bio-Technology / Industrial Micro-biology / Agriculture/ Food Technology/ Fisheries/ Nutrition/ Geology/Sericulture/ Horticulture/Forestry/Poultry and a B.Ed. Degree with Biological Science / Natural Sciences / Science / Botany / Zoology/ as a methodology subject, provided he has studied Botany and Zoology at Intermediate level. f. For TGT (Social Studies) Must possess a Bachelors Degree with any two of the following subjects as optional or one of them as a main and any other one as a subsidiary subject – (i) History (ii) Economics (iii) Geography (iv) Political Science (v) Public Administration (vi) Sociology (vii) Commerce (viii) Politics (ix) Social Anthropology (x) Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology (xi) Anthropology (xii) Social Work (xiii) Philosophy and (xiv) Psychology. or B. Com. with any four of the following six subjects: (i) Economics / Business Economics (ii) Business Organization and Management (iii) Statistics / Business Statistics / Quantitative Techniques (iv) Financial Services, Banking and Insurance (v) Accountancy / Financial Accounting (vi) Fundamentals of Information Technology and B.Ed. Degree with Social Studies / Social Sciences / Geography/ History / Politics Political Science/ Economics as a methodology subject provided he has studied at least two of the subjects i.e., Civics, Economics, Commerce, History and Geography at Intermediate level. Note: In respect of posts for which two subjects at Degree level are prescribed, a Candidate who studied one subject at Degree level and the second subject at Post Graduation level is also eligible to apply. Example: A candidate who intends to apply for the post of TGT (Social Studies) should have studied at least one of the following mentioned subjects at graduation level and the other at Post graduation level. (i) History (ii) Economics (iii) Geography (iv) Political Science (v) Public Administration (vi) Sociology (vii) Commerce (viii) Politics (ix) Social Anthropology (x) Ancient Indian History Culture & Archaeology (xi) Anthropology (xii) Social Work (xiii) Philosophy and (xiv) Psychology. iii). Must have studied in English Medium at any two levels of School/ Junior College / Degree College except for the post of TGT (Telugu) &TGT (Hindi). iv). Must have passed A.P TET Paper-II or its equivalent. B. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Rs.14860- 39540/-

Age : 18-39 years as on 01-07-2012

Method of Selection : For the posts of PGTs the total marks shall be 100 (One Hundred) for Written Test (PGTs Recruitment Test). The total marks shall be 100 (One Hundred), out of which 80% shall be for the Written Test ((TGTs Recruitment Test).) and remaining 20% for APTET (Paper II) or its equivalent score for the posts of TGTs.
No. of Post in various Schools:
Zone District PGTs TGTs
Zone-I Srikakulam 182 84
Vizianagaram 208 96
Visakhapatnam 65 30
Zone-II East Godavari 26 12
Krishna 26 12
Zone-III Guntur 182 84
Prakasam 143 66
Nellore 130 60
Zone-IV Chittoor 234 108
Kadapa 130 60
Ananthapur 325 150
Kurnool 468 216
Zone-V Adilabad 182 84
Karimnagar 611 282
Warangal 390 180
Khammam 26 12
Zone-VI Mahabubnagar 91 42
Ranga Reddy 247 114
Medak 312 144
Nizamabad 208 96
Nalgonda 429 198
Application Fee : The applicants have to pay a fee of Rs.250/- towards application processing for the recruitment test for each post through APonline or e-seva between 28-02-2012 to 15-03-2012. The last date for payment of fee is 15.03.2012 .
How to apply
Candidate apply Online through the prescribed to be made available on website from 29-02-2012 to 16-03-2012.

South Indian Bank, invites applications from Indian nationals for the post of Probationary Clerks for Branches under Bank’s Delhi Region

Qualification: Graduation from a recognized University having completed a regular 10+2+3 course securing at least 55% marks in Science Stream or 50 % marks in Arts/ Other streams. Candidates should be proficient in computer operations. Note : Candidates having permanent address in Delhi/NCR for more than 5 yrs (Documentary proof to be produced) and are proficient in Hindi & English are only eligible to apply.

No. of Post : 40

Age : 26 years as on 31.01.2012.

Salary : As per National Level Bipartite Settlement in the Banking industry

Probation : 6 months. Confirmation subject to satisfactory performance.

Mode of selection : Written Test and Interview

Likely Centre for test : Delhi

Application fee : Rs.250/- for general category and Rs.50/- for SC/ST, to be paid along with application by means of Demand Draft (Crossed Account Payee) favoring South Indian Bank, payable at Delhi.
How to apply

Candidate apply in the prescribed application format along with self-attested copies of all mark lists and certificates to prove the age and qualifications. (Passport-size photograph pasted thereon) Application should be accompanied by super scribe the envelope containing the application "Application for the post of Pro. Clerks” and send to Deputy General Manager, The South Indian Bank Ltd, Regional Office, Delhi, Door No. 1/18-20, White House,(2ndfloor), Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi - 110 055, so as to reach on or before 22-02-2012.
Click Here For Details & Application Format
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New Delhi Municipal Council , invites application for the post of Clerical Asst. on contract basis w

Qualification : The essential qualifications for the post are Senior Secondary from a recognized Board or University and a speed of type-writing in Computer not less than 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi.
Age : Between 18-27 Year

No. of Post : 66

Salary : Rs. 11,803/- P.M.

How to apply
Candidate should apply Online on or before 23.02.2012.
Click Here For Details
Apply Online
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Government of Andhra Pradesh, Department of Agriculture, invites applications for the post of Agricultural Officers on regular basis

Post Name Qualification No. of Post
Agricultural Officers
The candidates who possess minimum Educational qualification of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture i.e., B.Sc.(Ag.)
Scale of Pay : Rs.16150 - 42590/-
Age Limit : 36 years as on 01.07.2012

How to apply
The format in which the bio-data is to be submitted in the prescribed format. Applications received late or with incomplete information/non enclosing of required copies of certificates/enclosing of invisible copies of certificates if any, such applications will be rejected summarily and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Furnishing copies of certificates at a later date shall not be entertained, and they shall not have any claim on such cases. Applications filled in all respects along with required testimonials should reach in Office of the Commissioner & Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad, on or before 02.03.2012 by 5.00 p.m. The cover containing the application should be super scribed as “Application for the post of Agricultural Officer”. Applications received late or with incomplete information/non enclosing copies of invisible certificates will be rejected summarily and no correspondence will be undertaken in this regard. Furnishing of copies of certificates at a later date shall not be entertained and they shall not have any claim on such cases.
Click Here For Details & Application Format

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, conducts U.P. Judicial Service Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination - 2012

Qualifications: (A) Till last date for submitting the application form the candidate must be a Bachelor of Laws of a University established by Law in U.P. or any other University of India recognised for this purposes by the Governor, or (B) Must be an Advocate enrolled under the provisions of the Advocate Act 1961 or a Barrister of England or Northern Ireland or a Member Faculty of Advocates in Scotland and is entitled to practice in the Court or Courts subordinate thereto; (C) Must possess thorough knowledge of Hindi in Devnagri Script.
76 General - 38, OBC - 20, SC - 16, ST - 02
Pay Scale: Rs. 27700-770-35090-920-40450-1080-44770
Age Limits : 22 - 35 Years on 1st July, 2013
Application Fee : Candidates may purchase the OMR application forms from the Post Offices listed in this Advt.. The cost of application of PREGEN Series (for General, OBCofU.P.) shall be Rs. 155/- (Exam Fee 100+ Postal Expenses 30 + Application form 25) and of PRERES Series (for S.C. of U.P. and S.T. of U.P.) shall be Rs. 95/- (Exam Fee 40 + Postal Exp. 30 + Application Form 25) only. The Candidates are not required to submit any Bank Draft or Treasury Challan etc. Ex-Army Personnel, D.F.F., and women Candidates of U.P. shall purchase application forms according to their main category viz. Gen., SC, ST, OBC. The candidates of outside U.P. shall fill the form of General Category/(PREGEN). If they fill the form of reserved Category that shall be rejected. The cost of application form shall not be returned in any case. Only time barred applications shall be returned in original but its cost will not be returned. 3. The candidates must keep a Photostat copy of their OMR application with them. They must mention their OMR Form No. in the correspondence with Commission in future. The Commission shall hold an objective type Preliminary Examination on May 13, 2012 to select the suitable candidates for admission to the Civil Judge (Junior Division) Main Examination (Written Examination), at various centres of the Districts Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Lucknow, Meerut, Saharanpur & Varanasi. The date and centre of Examination shall be informed through their Admit Card.

How to apply
The application complete in all respects must reach the Secretary. Advt. No. A-2/E-1/2012 Public Service Commission, U.P. Allahabad-211018 on or before 5:00P.M. on 1st March 2012 by Registered post or by hand. After the last date, the applications shall not be received at any cost. The receipt must be taken while submitting the application by hand on the counter of U.P.P.S.C. (2) If any candidate submits more than one application in one envelope in his name, his all applications shall be rejected. Applications through fax shall not be accepted. (3) Incomplete application and application without signature even if within time shall be rejected summarily (4) Emergency Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have not been released from Army but whose period of Army Service have been extended for rehabilitation, may also apply for this examination on the following conditions in accordance with G.O. No. 22/10/1976-Karmik-2/1985 dated 30- 01-85 (A) Applicants will have to submit a certificate in this respect from the competent authority of Army, Navy, Air Force, that their period of Service has been extended for rehabilitation and no disciplinary action is pending against them. (B) Applicants will have to submit a written undertaking with their application that in case they are selected for the post applied for, they will get themselves released immediately from the Army Service.

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Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL), invites application from eligible Indian citizens for regular posts of ‘Executive’ in Civil, Electrical and Signal & Telecommunication department

Post Name Qualification No. of Post Pay Scale
Diploma (3 years) in Civil Engg./Civil Engg. (Transportation)/ Civil Engg. (Construction Technology)/ Civil Engg. (Public Health)/ Civil Engg. (Water Resource) with not less than 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute.
60 (UR-32, SC-8, ST-4, OBC- 16)
Rs. 12600-
Diploma (3 years) in Electrical/Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics/ Electrical Power Systems/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Video Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control/ Industrial Electronics / Mechanical/ Production/ Production Technology/ Industrial Engineering with not less than 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute.
20 (UR-11, SC-3, ST-1, OBC- 5)
Rs. 12600-
Signal and Telecommunication
Diploma (3 years) in Electrical/Electronics /Microprocessor/TV Engineering/Fiber Optic Communication /Telecommunication/
Communication/Sound & TV Engineering/ Industrial control/Electronic Instrumentation/ Industrial Electronics/ Applied Electronics/ Digital Electronics/Power Electronics/Information Science & Technology/ Computer Application /Computer Engineering/Computer Science /Computer Technology with not less than 60% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute.
20 (UR-11, SC-3, ST-1, OBC- 5)
Rs. 12600-

Age limit (As on 01.01.2012) : 18 - 33 yrs

Exam fees (Non-refundable) : Rs.200 for UR & OBC applicants. No application fee is required for SC/ST/PH/Ex-servicemen candidates provided photocopies of SC/ST/disability/Ex-servicemen certificate is enclosed with application. The fee should be paid by demand draft drawn in favour of DFCCIL payable at New Delhi. Candidate should write Name, Post Applied for, Mailing Address and Mobile No., in Capital Letters on the reverse side of Demand Draft.

Selection Process : i) The stages of examination are Single stage examination followed by verification of original documents. ii) Written test may be held at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai depending upon

Medical standards : A-3 medical category standards as detailed in Chapter-V of Indian Railway Medical Manual Vol.-I, which can be accessed at the response received for each centre.
Place of Posting : In the projects/offices of the company.
How to apply
Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on 01.01.2012 may submit their application in the prescribed format. The Candidates are advised to strictly follow the Applications in the prescribed Format and fill-up the same in ENGLISH LANGUAGE with black BALL POINT PEN only. The application should be properly signed. Application Form complete with all respect with demand draft should be sent through ordinary post only at the following address. Post Box No. 2, Indraprastha Estate Post Office, New Delhi – 110 002. Application on A4 size paper as per the prescribed format will be entertained through ordinary post only at above Post Bag. The applications sent through courier/speed post/registered post will not be accepted under any circumstances since the same are not accepted at Post Bag Address by the postal authorities. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed “Application for the post of………………… 2012”. One envelope should contain only one application and a Demand Draft. Journey fare for appearing in the written test will not be reimbursable. Last date for receipt of application is 04th March, 2012.
To Download Application Form
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