Qualifications: (A) Till last date for submitting the application form the candidate must be a Bachelor of Laws of a University established by Law in U.P. or any other University of India recognised for this purposes by the Governor, or (B) Must be an Advocate enrolled under the provisions of the Advocate Act 1961 or a Barrister of England or Northern Ireland or a Member Faculty of Advocates in Scotland and is entitled to practice in the Court or Courts subordinate thereto; (C) Must possess thorough knowledge of Hindi in Devnagri Script.
Vacancies |
76 | General - 38, OBC - 20, SC - 16, ST - 02 |
Pay Scale: Rs. 27700-770-35090-920-40450-1080-44770
Age Limits : 22 - 35 Years on 1st July, 2013
Application Fee : Candidates may purchase the OMR application forms from the Post Offices listed in this Advt.. The cost of application of PREGEN Series (for General, OBCofU.P.) shall be Rs. 155/- (Exam Fee 100+ Postal Expenses 30 + Application form 25) and of PRERES Series (for S.C. of U.P. and S.T. of U.P.) shall be Rs. 95/- (Exam Fee 40 + Postal Exp. 30 + Application Form 25) only. The Candidates are not required to submit any Bank Draft or Treasury Challan etc. Ex-Army Personnel, D.F.F., and women Candidates of U.P. shall purchase application forms according to their main category viz. Gen., SC, ST, OBC. The candidates of outside U.P. shall fill the form of General Category/(PREGEN). If they fill the form of reserved Category that shall be rejected. The cost of application form shall not be returned in any case. Only time barred applications shall be returned in original but its cost will not be returned. 3. The candidates must keep a Photostat copy of their OMR application with them. They must mention their OMR Form No. in the correspondence with Commission in future. The Commission shall hold an objective type Preliminary Examination on May 13, 2012 to select the suitable candidates for admission to the Civil Judge (Junior Division) Main Examination (Written Examination), at various centres of the Districts Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Lucknow, Meerut, Saharanpur & Varanasi. The date and centre of Examination shall be informed through their Admit Card.
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