Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Super Computer Education and Research Centre (SERC)
Bangalore - 560012
LastDate: 09/09/2011
Applications are invited for following posts in IISC:
- Secretarial Assistant Trainees : 14 posts (Gen-7, OBC-4, SC-2, ST-1)
- Hindi Secretarial Assistant Trainee : 01 post
Stipend: Rs. 9000/-, 9500/- and 10000/- per month (fixed) for I/II and III year respectively.
Method to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 09/09/2011 and send printout of the online application with copy of certificates and testimonials to Assistant Registrar, Establishment Section, Unit-1B, Indian Institue of Science, Bangalore - 560012.
Please visit for further details and application format.