Name of the Government Organization: National Human Rights Commission
National Human Rights Commission invites applications for the following posts:
Job Number: 01 Job Designation:
Assistant Accounts Officer
Number of Positions: 02 (Two)
Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800+ Rs.4800/-
Educational Qualification: (i) Officers under the Central Govt. holding analogous posts on regular basis who have undergone training in Cash and Accounts in the ISTM or equivalent and possess experiences in cash and accounts work, or (ii) Junior Accounts Officers or equivalent in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4200/- with 8 years regular service in the grade.
Job Number: 02 Job Designation: Inspector Number of Positions: 03 (Three) Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4600/- Educational Qualification: Possessing at least 5 years experience in vigilance or investigation or intelligence work.
Job Number: 03 Job Designation: Assistant Number of Positions: 02 (Two) Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4600/- Educational Qualification: Officers under the Central Government (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or (ii) with five years regular service in the posts in the scale of pay of Rs.5200-20200+GPRs.2400/-
Job Number: 04 Job Designation: Protocol Assistant Number of Positions: 01 (One) Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4200/- Educational Qualification: (i) Officers under the Central Government holding analogous posts on regular basis; or (ii) Officers with 5 years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.5200-20200+GPRs.2400/- Desirable: Experience in protocol work for two years Age Limit: 56 years.
Job Number: 05 Job Designation: Research Assistant Number of Positions: 02 (Two) Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4200/- Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree from a recognized university or equivalent. Research experience in any of the social sciences or in the application of law and procedure Desirable: Degree in Law from a recognized university or equivalent. Age Limit: 56 years.
Job Number: 06 Job Designation: Junior Translator (Hindi) Number of Positions: 02 (Two) Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4200/- Educational Qualification: Masters Degree in English/Hindi with Hindi/English as a compulsory and elective subject at degree level; or Bachelors Degree with English/Hindi as main subjects (which includes the term compulsory and elective subject). Age Limit: 18 to 25 years
Location of Posting: New Delhi
How To Apply For Opening: The applications of eligible candidates who are desirous of being considered for appointment to the said posts, except Sl.No.6, and can be spared immediately, may please be forwarded to this office by 29th February, 2012 alongwith attested photocopies of ACRs for the last 05 years and vigilance/disciplinary clearance. The applications should clearly indicate the service particulars, experience and educational qualifications etc. in the prescribed form as at Annexure-II. Applications received directly or without ACRs will NOT be entertained. The forwarding authority may also certify the information furnished in the bio-data. Candidates eligible for multiple posts should apply separately for each post.
Last Date To Apply: 29th February, 2012
Contact Address: National Human Rights Commission, Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg New Delhi –110 001
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