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Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
(Government of India Undertaking)
BHEL House, Siri Fort, New Delhi-110049

BHEL invites Online Application from young and energetic Graduate Engineers and for recruitment of Engineer Trainees :

  • Engineer Trainee : 800 posts (Mechanical - 550, Electrical - 175, Electronics - 75 ), Stipend : Rs. 20600/- in the training period and will be absorbed as Engineer in the scale of pay of Rs. 24900 - 50500/-, Age : 27 years for Graduate Engineers and 29 years for PG in Engineering.

Method to Apply : Those who wants to apply for the post of Engineer Trainee in BHEL will be required to take the GATE-2012 which are advertised on 11/09/2011. The score of GATE will be utilized by the BHEL for invited candidates for interview.

Candidates need to apply Online from 04/01/2012 at the BHEL website only after registration in GATE-2011.

Application Fee : Rs.500/- for Engieer Trainee and Rs.300/- for Supervisor Trainee to be paid in the SBI throughout the country by prescribed challan only. (SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from the fee)
Please visit or all the details and Online submission of application


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