Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
India's Central Bank
Advt.No. 4 A /2010-11
Applications are invited from the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Other Backward Class (OBC) categories for the post mentioned below in Reserve Bank of India (RBI/Bank).
Assistant Manager (Security) in Gr.’A’: 13 Posts
Age (as on 01.02.2011): Between 25 and 45 years.
Pay Scale:
They will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 17,100/-p.m. in the scale of Rs.17,100-1000(11)-28100-EB-1000(4)-32100-1100(1)-33200 applicable to Officers in Gr.A.
Last Date: 14.03.2011 Online/ 21.03.2011 Offline
About Reserve Bank :
The Reserve Bank of India is the central bank of the country entrusted with monetary stability, the management of currency and the supervision of the financial as well as the payments system.
Established in 1935, its functions and focus have evolved in response to the changing economic environment. Its history is not only intrinsically interwoven with the economic and financial history of the country, but also gives insights into the thought processes that have helped shape the country's economic policies. Here we present some facets of the Bank's history for the layperson. We look forward to the viewer's suggestions and comments.
Few personalities are so close yet so distant to India's populace as the Governor of the Reserve Bank and few evocative of his awe and mystique: close, because virtually every individual, be he ever so poor or so rich, carries on his person the promise and signature of the Governor. Distant because central bankers are traditionally conservative and publicity shy. Awe they command as the custodian of the country's reserves and defenders of the external value of the currency. And, mystique they possess as purveyors of money, the commodity all desire but so few understand.
Behind the mist, and shorn of the public perception, the personality of the governor assumes importance in a specific context, the governor, more than any public or private functionary in the country, has the mandate of securing the monetary stability of the country. This impinges on the day to day life of ordinary citizens.
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