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Goa Shipyard Limited, invites application for Apprenticeship Training in various fields
Post Name
Period of Training
No. of Post
Welder (Pipe &Pressure)
Ex- ITI in Welder, Electrician respectively under COE.
6 months
Welder (G&E)
Passed ITI in Welder trade & Certificate issued by NCVT
1 Year
Fitter Structural
Passed SSC & ITI in Fitter trade & Certificate issued by NCVT.
2 Year
Passed SSC & ITI Fitter /Electrician Trade/Electronic Mechanic Trade/COPA traden & Certificate issued by NCVT
1 Year
Electronic Mechanic
Programming &Systems Administrative Assistant
Technician (Vocational) Apprentices -Office Secretaryship /Stenography
Passed HSSC in Vocational stream.
1 Year
Accountancy, Auditing &Taxation
Purchase &Store keeping
Graduate Engg./ Technician (Voc) Apps.Computer Science Engg, Civil Engg,Electrical & Electronics Engg,Fabrication Engg, Industrial Engg.Mechanical Engg, Shipbuilding Engg.
B.E., B.Tech /Diploma in Engg.
1 Year
Rs.10000/- for B.E./B.Tech & Rs.5000/- for Diploma holders
Age limit (as on 31/3/2012) : 23 Year & 25 Years for Graduate Engg.
How to apply
Candidate apply in the prescribed format and send the application with envelope superscribed with the words Apprentice Training on or before 15.02.2012 to: Chief General Manager (Pers. & Admn.), Goa Shipyard Limited, Vasco-Da-Gama, Goa-403802.

Andhra Pradesh Police Department (State Level Police Recruitment Board), invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment of Deputy Jailor/Asst Matron
Post Code No.
Post Name
Physical standards
Medical Standards
No. of Post/ Age Limit
Deputy Jailor in Prisons and Correctional Services Department
The candidate must, as on date of notification i.e., 26-12-2011, possess a Degree awarded by any University in India, established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provisional Act of State or of any institution recognised by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualification. Note: The candidates who possess higher qualification than the prescribed one will also be considered for selection on par with the candidates who possess the prescribed qualification.
a) Height: Must not be less than 168 cms.b) Chest: Must not be less than 87 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.NOTE : Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to aboriginal tribes in the agency areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Mahaboobnagar, Adilabad, Warangal and Khammam districts where the reserved quota could not be fully utilised for want of sufficient candidates possessing the requisite physical standards, the physical standards shall be relaxed as specified following ; a) Height: must not be less than 164 cms. b) Chest: must not be less than 83 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.
a) Eye Sight : Visual Standards required for the above selection shall be as follows:; i) Distant Vision :Right Eye-6/6, Left Eye-6/6. (ii) Near Vision : Right Eye-0/5 (Snellen), Left Eye-0/5 (Snellen). ii) Each eye must have a full field of vision. iii) Colour blindness, squint or any morbid condition of the eye or lids of either eye shall be deemed to be a disqualification. b) The candidate should possess sound health and be free from any bodily defect or infirmity which will render him unfit. c) Candidates who have the following ailments or defects will not be considered for recruitment to any post specified in this rule. i) Physically handicapped ii) Knocking-knees, pigeon chest, flat foot, Vericose veins, Hammer toes, fractured limbs, decayed teeth, stammering, hard of hearing and abnormal psychological behaviour. Note : In order to prevent disappointment, candidates are advised to have themselves examined by a Civil Surgeon before applying for the examination to ensure that they meet the prescribed Physical and Medical Standard.
Between 21-30 Years (must have been born not later than 1st July, 1990)
Assistant Matron in Prisons and Correctional Services Department

a) Height: Must not be less than 153 cms b) Weight: Must not be less than 45.5 kgs
Between 21 - 25 (must have been born not later than 1st July, 1990
Scale of pay: For Post Code No.19: Rs.13,660 -38,570/- For Post Code No.20: Rs.11,860 -34,050/-
Application Fee : A prescribed fee of Rs.50/- (Rupees fifty only) in cash should be remitted at the time of submission of each Application Form. Demand Drafts, Cheques, Indian Postal Order etc.will not be accepted. SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying this fee. Those who intend to apply for more than one category of posts need to submit only one application form.
How to apply
Candidates must apply in the prescribed application format along with the copies of the necessary certificates at any of the places mentioned below on any working day from 01-02-2012 to 15-03-2012 in between 10.00 hours and 13.00 hours. The candidates should appear and submit the application in person and should not send their applications either by post or through their nominee. www.freshersworld.
Sl. No. Place
01 Visakhapatnam Range Police Office, Visakhapatnam
02 Eluru Range Police Office, Eluru
03 Guntur Range Police Office, Guntur
04 Kurnool Range Police Office, Kurnool
05 Karimnagar Range Police Office, Karimnagar
06 SAR CPL Parade Ground, Amberpet, Hyderabad

Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur inviting application for the post of Technical Asst

Qualifications: BCA with at least two years’ experience preferably project assistant of a University, good knowledge in C & C++ for networking, Java & HTML for webpage design, Animation & Multimedia technology.
No of Post : One
Age : Not more than 35 years as on 01.01.2012.
Application Fee: DD of Rs. 100 only drawn in favour of “ The Registrar, BESUS” on any Nationalised Bank payable in Kolkata
How to apply
The application, completed in all must reach the Registrar latest by 15.02.2012. Only one set of attested copy of mark-sheet and testimonials etc. is to be attached with the original application only. Candidates already in Government or Semi-Government services must apply through proper channel.
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Orissa PSC,recruitment of Junior Lecturers

Qualification : A candidate should possess a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 55 % of marks or its equivalent grade with a 2nd Class in the Bachelor’s Degree and a consistently good academic record; or Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt., M.Phil. & M.Litt. with at least 50% marks in Master’s Degree with a 2nd Class in the Bachelor’s Degree and a consistently good academic record .Provided that candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes shall posses a Master’s Degree in the concerned subject from a recognized University with at least 50 % of marks or its equivalent grade with a 2nd Class in the Bachelor’s Degree and a consistently good academic record.
Name of the disciplines
No. of vacancies
1 Anthropology 01(w)
2 Botany 02
3 Chemistry 29(10-w)
4 Commerce 33(12-w)
5 Economics 11(2-w)
6 Education 07
7 English 19(4-w)
8 Hindi 09(3-W)
9 History 15(4-w)
10 Home Science 06(1-w)
11 Logic & Philosophy 25(6-w)
12 Mathematics 10(4-w)
13 Odia 02(w)
14 Physics 37(10-w)
15 Political Science 29(7-w)
16 Psychology 02
17 Sanskrit 23(8-w)
18 Statistics 03(1-w)
19 Urdu 01
20 Zoology 06
21 Music 01
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800
Age: A candidate should be under 32 (thirty two) years and over 21 (twenty one) years of age on the 1st January, 2011 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1979 and not later than 1st January, 1990.
Selection Procedure : Written Examination
Application Fee: A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only either in shape of deposit of the amount in the Government Treasury under the Head "0051-P.S.C.-105-State P.S.C. Examination Fees", or Account Payee Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission payable at any Scheduled Bank at Cuttack. Application Form : Candidates are required to apply to the Special Secretary to the Commission in the prescribed Form which, along with other particulars are obtainable in person from the Office of the Odisha Public Service Commission at 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001 between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day on cash payment of Rs.60/- (Rupees sixty) only(Rs.30/- for application form and Rs.30/- for syllabus)or by Registered Post on remittance of Rs.100/- (Rupees hundred) only by Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission payable at any scheduled Bank at Cuttack with a forwarding letter addressed to the Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission mentioning full name and address of the candidate, Advertisement Number and name of the post/service advertised in Bold Capital Letters.

How to apply
Candidates are required to send their applications in prescribed form by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service in closed covers to the Special Secretary, O.P.S.C., 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001. The closed envelope containing the application must be superscribed "Application for Junior Lecturer in……………………………...(concerned subject) (Higher Secondary Branch)".The last date for receipt of Application is 15 th February 2012 by 5.00 P.M.

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Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, conducts Combined Upper/Subordinate Services (Pre.) Exam. 2012

Qualification : The candidates must possess Bachelors Degree of any recognised University or equivalent qualification upto the last date for receipt of application. This should be mentioned by the candidate in the relevant column of their OMR application form but for some posts specific qualifications have been prescribed of which the deatils are given below
Sub Resistrar, Asstt. P.O. (Transport) Law Graduate
Distt. Horticulture Officer Grade-2, D.H.O.
Grade-I & Supdt. Govt Garden, D.H.O.
Science graduate in Horticulture (ag.) Equivalent degree in B.Sc. Ag. or Horticulture.
Distt. B.S.A./ Associate DIOS and Other
equivalent administrative posts, Distt. Administrative Officer
Post Graduate degree
Distt. Cane Officer, U.P. Ag. Service Group B
(Dev. Branch)
Agriculture graduate
Distt. Audit Officer (Rev. Audit) Commerce graduate
Asstt. Controller Legal Measurement (Grade-I)
Degree in Science with Physics or Mechanical Engg. as one subject.
Asstt. Director Industries (Marketing)
Post graduate degree in Arts, Science or Commerce or Technology or Postgraduate degree in Textile Industries of any recognised Institute or minimum graduation degree in textile Technology.
Asstt. Labour Commissioner
Degree in Arts with Sociology or Economics as a subject or Commerce/Law.
Distt. Programme Officer
Degree in Sociology or Social Science or Home Science or Social Work.
Sr. Lecturer, DIET Post graduate degree with B.Ed.
Distt. Probation Officer
Post graduate degree in Psychology or Sociology or Social work or any qualification equivalent thereto or postgaduate diploma in any branch of social work from any recognised Institute of Social work.
Number of Vacancies: The estimated no. of vacancies is 100 at present
Age Limit: (i) Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 35 years on July 1, 2012
Fee : (a) The Fee shall be taken from every candidate with the cost of O.M.R. application form. The details are printed on the O.M.R. envelopes. No Fees has to be paid by the candidate through Treasury Challan or Bank Draft etc. (b) The successful candidates for main Examination will be required to pay the fees for main examination also. The fee for General candidates, Other Backward Classes of U.P. and all candidates of other States will be Rs. 230/- and for Scheduled Caste of U.P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P. will be Rs.110/- only. Candidates under horizontal reservation PH of U.P. are exempted from examination fees for main Examination but DFF of U.P. and Ex-Army personnel will deposit their fees according to their main category. The fees shall be paid with the applicaton of Main Examination.The candidates may obtain O.M.R.Application forms through the Post Offices from 28th January, 2012.
How to apply
Application forms complete in all respect must reach the Secretary (Advertisement No.: A-1/E-1/2012) Public Service Commission, 10 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Allahabad - 211018 either by Registered Post or personally (by hand) upto 5.00 P.M. on or before 24th February , 2012
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Madhya Pradesh Professional Exam Board, is looking forward to appoint eligible candidates from SC/ST community against vacancy of Agriculture Development Officer

Post Name Qualification No. of Post
Agriculture Development Officer
Bachelors Degree with Agriculture Engineering
108 (SC-46, ST-62)
Age Limit : 40 yrs as on 01.03.2013
Scale of Pay : Rs. 5200-20200/-
Selection Process : Written Test is lone process by which candidates will be selected.
Exam Fee : No any exam fee is needed to pay SC/ST candidates. Only Rs. 50/- as portal charge should be paid by candidates.

How to apply
Candidates from S/ST community having shown eligibility may send their Online applications latest by 24th February, 2012. No any supporting documents except Photo and Digital Signature of candidates are needed during filling Online applications.
Important Dates :
Commencement of Online Apply 25.01.2012
Closing of Online Apply 24.02.2012
Date of Written test 25.03.2012
Click Here For Details & Apply Online

Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, invites applications for the post of Asst Professor/ Asst Librarian

Discipline Qualification
Agril. Extension i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture. ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Horticulture i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture / Horticulture, ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with atleast 55%, marks or its equivalent grade.
Agril. Engineering A Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering., ii) A Master’s degree in Agril.Engineering any discipline concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Biochemistry A Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc. (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.). ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Statistics A Bachelor’s degree in Statistics. Preference will be given to the candidates possessing B.Sc. (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.). ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. Preference will be given to M.Sc. (Ag.) in Statistics
Food Technology i) A Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology / Food Science / Agricultural Engineering / Dairy Technology / Veterinary Science / Agriculture / Home Science. ii) A Master’s degree in Food Technology / Food Science & Technology / M.V.Sc (LPT) / M.Tech (Food Tech. / Food Engg. / Dairy & Food Engg. / Post Harvest Engg. / Agricultural Process Engg.) with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Agril. Biotechnology i) A Bachelor’s degree in Plant Biotechnology from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.) /B.Sc. (Forestry). ii) Masters Degree in Molecular Biology / Plant Biotechnology / Agril. Biotechnology from a recognized University with at least 55% marks in traditional system or equivalent grade.
Agril. Microbiology i) A Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.) /B.Sc. (Forestry). ii) Masters Degree in Microbiology / Agril. Microbiology from a recognized University with at least 55% marks in traditional system or equivalent grade.
Agril. Extension i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture. ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Horticulture i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture / Horticulture ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Agril. Engineering
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering. ii) A Master’s degree in Agril.Engineering any discipline concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Biochemistry i) A Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc. (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.). ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Statistics i) A Bachelor’s degree in Statistics. Preference will be given to the candidates possessing B.Sc. (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.). ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade. Preference will be given to M.Sc. (Ag.) in Statistics
Food Technology i) A Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology / Food Science / Agricultural Engineering / Dairy Technology / Veterinary Science / Agriculture / Home Science. ii) A Master’s degree in Food Technology / Food Science & Technology / M.V.Sc (LPT) / M.Tech (Food Tech. / Food Engg. / Dairy & Food Engg. / Post Harvest Engg. / Agricultural Process Engg.) with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Agril. Biotechnology i) A Bachelor’s degree in Plant Biotechnology from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.) /B.Sc. (Forestry). ii) Masters Degree in Molecular Biology / Plant Biotechnology / Agril. Biotechnology from a recognized University with at least 55% marks in traditional system or equivalent grade.
Agril. Microbiology
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from a recognized University. Preference will be given to candidates possessing B.Sc (Ag.) / B.Sc. (Horti.) /B.Sc. (Forestry). ii) Masters Degree in Microbiology / Agril. Microbiology from a recognized University with at least 55% marks in traditional system or equivalent grade.
Agri. Business Management
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture ii) A Master’s degree in Agri. Business management / Business Administration with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade
Animal Husbandry Extension
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science. ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Fishery Science
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Fishery Science (Relaxable only in the case of inservice teachers of ANGRAU). ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade
Apparel & Textiles / Foods & Nutrition / Human Development & Family Studies /Resource Management & Consumer Sciences
i) A Bachelor’s degree in Home Science. ii) A Master’s degree in the subject (discipline) concerned with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade.
Asst Librarian i) A Master’s degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation Science or an equivalent Professional Degree with atleast 55% marks (or any equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of Library. ii) Qualifying in the national level test conducted for the purpose by the UGC or any other agency approved by the UGC. iii) However, candidates, who are, or have been awarded Ph.D degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum standards and procedure for Award of Ph.D degree), Regulations 2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment.

No. of Post : (a) Agril. Business Management - OC-1; BC-D-1 (b) Agril. Economics –ST-1; BC-E-1; BC-B-1; OC(W)-1 (c) Agril. Engineering – OC-5; OC(W)-1; OC(W)(PH-VH)-1; BC-A(W)-1; BC-B(W)-2; SC-2; SC(W)-1; ST-5; ST(W)-1 (d) Agril. Extension – OC-3; OC(W)-1; BC-C(W)-1; SC-1; ST(W)-1 (e) Agril. Microbiology – OC(W)-1; BC-D(W)-1; ST-1; (f) Agronomy – OC-2; OC(W)-1; BC-A-1; BC-B-1; BC-E(W)-1; SC(W)-1; ST-1 (g) Biochemistry –OC-1; SC-1 (h) Entomology – OC-2; OC(W)-2; OC(PH-HH)-1; BC-A-1; BC-B-1; ST-2; ST(W)-1 (i) Food Technology – OC-1 (j) Genetics & Plant Breeding – OC-2; OC(W)-1; BC-D-1; SC-1; ST-3; ST(W)-5 (k) Horticulture – OC-2; OC(W)-1; BC-A(W)-1; BC-B(W)-1; BC-D-1; BC-E-1; SC(W)-1 (l) Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology – OC-1; SC-1 (m) Plant Pathology – OC-2; OC(W)-1; OC(PH-OH)-1; BC-A-1; ST-2 (n) Plant Physiology – OC(W)-1; ST-1; ST(W)-1 (o)Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry – OC-2; BC-B-1; BC-D(W)-1; SC-1; ST(W)-4 (p) Statistics – OC(W)-1; SC-2; SC(W)-2 (q) Animal Husbandry – OC-1; BCD- 1 (r) Fishery Science – BC-A-1; BC-E-1
Pay Band : Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP 6000/-

Application Fee : Registration fee through a Demand Draft: Rs.1000/- (in case of SC/ST candidates the fees is Rs.500/-) drawn in favour of “Comptroller, ANGRAU, Hyderabad” must be enclosed. The application not accompanied by the Crossed DD will not be considered.

How to apply
The duly filled-in application forms together with attested copies of certificates etc., and a Demand Draft towards Registration fee drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of “Comptroller, ANGRAU, Hyderabad” payable at Hyderabad should reach the Registrar, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030 on or before 27-02-2012 by 4:00 P.M.
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University Grants Commission, invites applications for the award of Post Doctoral Fellowship to women candidates for the year 2011-2012 (100 slots) from unemployed women, holding Ph.D. degree
Eligibility : i) The candidate must have a doctorate degree in the relevant subject preferably with published research work to their credit. ii) In case of general/open category, 55% marks at UG level and 60% of marks at PG level. iii) For reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC/PH) candidates, 50% at UG level and 55% at PG level.
Age : The upper age limit for applicants is 55 years for the candidates belonging to general/open category and 60 years for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Minority communities, as on 1st July on the year of application
Fellowship : Rs.18,000/-, Rs. 20,000/- After 2 years, Rs.25,000/. for fresh candidates. Rs.30,000/- for research experienced holders.

How to apply
Applications in the prescribed format may be submitted only through on line mode latest by 24th February, 2012.
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Kerala Agricultural University,inviting application for the post of Project Fellow/Data Entry Operator

Post Name
Pay Scale
Project Fellow
PG in Agriculture/Life Science

Data Entry Operator
3 year Diploma in Commercial Practice/CBM/equivalent

No of Post : One
How to apply
Application should be submitted in the prescribed format, Duly filled applications should be sent to “The Programme Coordinator, Kollam Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sadanandapuram PO, Kollam – 691531” by post so as to reach the same on or before 06/2/2012. Note:Separate applications should be submitted for each post.
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Government of Tamil Nadu, inviting application for the post of Civil Judge
Qualification : I. For Practising Advocates / Pleaders and Assistant Public Prosecutors: (i) Must possess a degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or an Institution recognised by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualification and got enrolled in the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu, and in the case of candidates enrolled in the Bar Councils of other States, they should submit a proof of transfer of their enrolment to the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu; and (ii)(a) Must be practising as an Advocate or Pleader in the High Court or Courts Subordinate thereto and must have so practised for not less than 3 years on the date of this Notification. or (b) Must be an Assistant Public Prosecutor having not less than 3 years of experience as an Advocate and / or Assistant Public Prosecutor.II. For Fresh Law Graduates : (i) Must be a fresh Law Graduate possessing a Degree in Law from a recognized University as mentioned in Clause-I (i) above; (ii) Must be eligible to be enrolled or enrolled as an advocate; (iii) Must have secured an overall percentage of (a) 50% Marks in case of open categories; (b) 45% Marks in case of all reserved categories. (iv) Must have obtained the Degree of Law within a period of three years prior to the Date of this Notification.
Posts Reserved
1 General Turn 56
2 Scheduled Castes 29
3 Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis) 6
4 Scheduled Tribes 2
5 Backward Classes (other than Backward Class Muslims) 49
6 Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities 37
7 Backward Class Muslims 6
Age (As on 01.07.2012) : (i) For Practising Advocates / Pleaders and Assistant Public Prosecutors :Minimum Age Limit : 25 Years, Maximum Age Limit : 35 years (For General Category), : 40 years (For Reserved Categories) (ii) For Fresh Law Graduates ( For all Categories): Minimum Age Limit : 22 Years, Maximum Age Limit : 27 Years
Pay Scale : Rs.27700- 44770
Centres For Written Examination
Sl. No.
Name of the Centre
1 Chennai
2 Coimbatore
3 Madurai
4 Salem
5 Thanjavur
6 Tiruchirappalli
7 Tirunelveli
8 Vellore
9 Villupuram
Selection Procedure : Written Test
Date of Written Examination
1 Translation Paper 24.03.2012,10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
2 Law Paper – I 24.03.2012,2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.
3 Law Paper – II 25.03.2012,10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
4 Law Paper – III 25.03.2012,2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.
Examination Fee: Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) - Non refundable. The examination fee should be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar General, High Court of Madras, payable at Chennai,
How to apply
The filled-in applications along with Demand Draft and all the enclosures should reach the office of the Principal Secretary to Government, Home Department, Fort St. George, Chennai-600 009 by 5.45 p.m. on or before 20.02.2012.

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